Go Ahead Take A Bite

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ready To Dance A Little Jig? ~ STMUSS

Top O' The Mornin' !!  La Fheile Paidrig Shona Daoibh!  Tis finally the day! The one day of the year when everyone is Irish.  St. Patrick's Day!  Lucky for me, it also happens to be Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday!

I goofed a wee bit last Saturday, thinking it was the closest STMUSS to the holiday and I did a Paddy's Day post. But the way I see it, when you're a daft middle-aged menopausal woman like me, those little lapses in memory can and should be forgiven. Besides,this just gives me the chance to post more Irish music and that's perfectly fine in my book.

So, without any further blarney from me, please enjoy a little more music that makes us want to sing. And maybe at least for today, even dance a wee jig!

Happy Feet - Lord Of The Dance from Riverdance

Mary Black - Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Darling)

And here's one for the gents... ;~)
Feet of Flames from Riverdance

Now, what would St. Patrick's Day be, without a little musical tribute to my family name?

The Chieftans - O'Sullivan's March

Come on along and join us for this lovely day!

Click HERE or HERE to join in!


  1. Great Songs! I'm such a fan of the Chieftains... ahh. Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!

  2. Loved them all! You are entirely forgiven for the brain freeze! ~ Maureen

  3. That's the way to get into St Patty's day for sure! I actually saw riverdance in New York when I was 20...LOVED IT!!!

    Cheers to you! :)

  4. St. Pats was SO big here!
    Love the Chieftans too- I'll have to see if I can't find that video of theirs that I love.
    First thing to go is the memory.


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