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Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Little Holiday Time Whimsy

Howdy folks!

I know I haven't  posted here in quite a while, but since Christmas is just a few days away and I've had so little time to really think about much else in the last few weeks, I just felt like posting a little bit of pure whimsy that was entertaining and well... happy. It caught my attention on a website that I recently discovered called My Modern Metropolis. (this is the main link to the website home page - the direct link to the post that contains the photos and article is below)

Consider it a tiny little Holiday gift to all of you, from me. A small token of my appreciation and my way of saying Thank You for hanging in here with me over the last year. There was a point back in July, when I came very close to no longer being here. (and by here, I mean breathing... on this Earth... amongst the living) So... to say the very least, I am incredibly blessed and eternally grateful, that I'm even able to share this little bit of whimsy with you.

What follows are just a few of the adorable photos by Chinese mother of three and photographer, Queenie Liao, from her series titled "Wenngen In Wonderland". Wenngen is her son and she creates these wonderful "adventures" for him while he's sleeping with items that she finds around her home, like stuffed animals, clothes, scarves and sheets. (I sure wish that I'd possessed even half of that kind of creativity, back when I still had a wee one who was napping.)

You can find the article about Queenie Liao and more photos from her Wenngen In Wonderland series at My Modern Metropolis.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, (belated) Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus or any Holiday that you might be celebrating at this time!