Hello All...
It's been a while since I've posted anything on this blog and for the most part, it's been due to a very busy summer. A summer filled with home and yard work, parties, short trips and house guests. All pretty normal, generally happy things, right?
You know the old saying, "It never rains, but it pours"??
Well, at the moment, I need... no, my family and I, need your prayers. And in all honesty, if you could spare a few good vibes and pass them along in our general direction, they'd be very much welcomed as well.
I know that we aren't the only people who have something difficult happening to them and one of the most important lessons I've learned in my 50 years on this planet, is to be truly grateful for the blessings that I do have, but at the moment, life is throwing us a bucket full of curve balls and they all seem to be flying across the plate at once.
On Thursday of last week, we received a call from Hubby's brother saying that their uncle, who has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's Disease, is missing. The last time that anyone saw him was on Saturday afternoon. On Monday, his empty, out of gas car, was found sitting on the side of a very rural and desolate highway in Pennsylvania, seven or eight hours North of his home. The local and state police have searched by ground and air and they have been doing everything in their power to find him, but as of this writing, we still have nothing.
On Friday morning, my sister-in-law's mother passed away, following a brief illness. My brother-in-law, sister in law, their three grown children and our daughter, will all be arriving from out of town, starting on Wednesday, for the calling hours and funeral on Thursday and Friday. She lost her father at almost this same time last year and I think it's starting to really sink in for all of us, that we're at "that age" when the people we've relied on to guide and support us through our lives, are reaching the part of their lives, where their journey here on Earth is coming to a close. It's hard to lose the people that we love. And it's hard to come to grips with the realization that an entire generation is slipping away.
And as those of you who've known me for a while are aware, Hubby and I lost our precious younger daughter, when she was just a little one, from a fatal reaction to a routine medication. She was a miracle baby, who blessedly came into our life, after several years of believing that we wouldn't ever be able to have another child. Well, yesterday was her birthday. She would have been 12 years old.
Normally, at this time each year, I take a little time off from blogging, to reflect, remember and miss her in my own way. Not that we don't think of her and talk about her every single day... We do. She was and still is at the very core of our lives as a family and she'll never, ever be far from our hearts, or our memories. It's just that on days like her birthday or the anniversary of her passing, in order to be able to go on through the rest of the year with some semblance of normalcy, I need to be still and to heal.
When you lose a child, I don't believe that you ever stop mourning for them. You pray and you move forward and do your best to live a life that has purpose and meaning, but that life is never quite the same again. I know that I'll have "these days" for the rest of my life, and that's OK. I gave myself permission a long time ago, to grieve in my own way and in my own time.
But, as you can see, we are in need of all of the prayer we can get at the moment. So, if you could spare a moment, to say a few words of your own choosing, it would be more appreciated than you could ever know.
Thank you and God Bless you all, for being the most amazing, supportive community of people, that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Summer ~ STMUSS
Hi folks... It's time for {yawn} an exhausted Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday. It's been a very busy summer so far and well.... I'm tired.
Although... I suppose it is warmer and the sun doesn't set as early as it does in the winter.
Awww, who am I kidding? Summer rocks!
OK. You know what to do, peeps!

Although... I suppose it is warmer and the sun doesn't set as early as it does in the winter.
Awww, who am I kidding? Summer rocks!
OK. You know what to do, peeps!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
A Little Fun With PicMonkey
I decided to go take a peek at PicMonkey, the new (free) photo editing program that seems to be taking the blogosphere by storm, since Picnik went bye-bye. I have to say that I'm impressed. It has just as many, if not more, features and it's really easy to use. You can get the app through Facebook and do your photo editing from there as well. I chose a photo of my grandoggie, Tonka and just messed around with the features. My daughter wasn't amused by the tattoo I gave him. killjoy... Click HERE to check PicMonkey out for yourself.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thank You ~ STMUSS
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!
My dad was a veteran of WWII or "The Big One" as his generation called it. He spent 4 years in the European Theater of Operations in France, Germany and England. He was proud of his service to his country and he made and kept several life long friends during those year. I still exchange Christmas cards with one of his Army buddies and his wife. They're in their 90's and I am just thrilled to be able to keep in touch with them, long after my own folks have passed. We spent many a summer vacation at at their home in Maryland when my brother and I were growing up and they are just simply some of the nicest people you could ever meet.
We also have friends who served in the Korean and Vietnam wars. Sadly, we lost one of those very dear friends just a couple of months ago. He served 3 tours in Vietnam and when he came home, I'm sad to say, there was no "hero's welcome" for him or for his fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen and corpsmen.
This song was written recently by Dave Mason and Johanne Sambataro and the video was produced by Mark Pastoria. Dave is a co-founder of an organization called Work Vessels For Vets, an "all-volunteer movement assisting returning veterans to begin their civilian careers or educational pursuits by acquiring and distributing the necessary start-up tools. Founded with the gift of a fishing boat that began a commercial fishing career for a returning Iraq veteran, the foundation is expanding its outreach to other industries to assist our returning military." Source
If you'd like to, you can make a donation by going to Dave Mason's official website where you can also listen to or download the song and you can also see the lyrics. You can also make a donation at the WVFW website. (link above)
Now, as most of you know, I usually do a now and then of the videos that I choose for STMUSS (it just wouldn't be a STMUSS post if I didn't, now would it? LOL) BUT, I'm actually going to post a newer version of an old song that Dave wrote and helped to make famous with the band Traffic, back in the late 60's and early 70's. This performance was filmed during Traffic's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in March of 2004. The musicians on stage include: Mason, Steve Winwood on keyboards, Jim Capaldi on bongos (both fellow inductees and band mates in Traffic), Keith Richards, Tom Petty, Jackson Browne, ZZ Top, the Temptations and other greats in the music industry. Fellow band mate Chris Wood was inducted posthumously. His sister Stephanie was there to accept for him. Jim Capaldi passed away from cancer at the age of 60, not quite a year later in January of 2005.
Happy Memorial Day! Have a happy and safe weekend!
Here's the link kids!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Adirondack Weekends ~ Rathbuns Maple Sugar House
I thought I'd try something new here at Spilled On The Kitchen Table, as a way to fill you in on the places around my region where the Hubbs and I spend our free time. For the time being, these posts will not be a regular or scheduled feature. That could change down the road, if you all like them and as long as I have the time to do them. I'm tentatively calling this... Adirondack Weekends. (** See the note at the bottom of this post)
As many of you probably know, I'm a weekend golf widow. In the Winter months, it's "indoor golf" and then when Spring and Summer roll around, it's any/every golf course within 100 miles of our home. There are a couple of courses where he plays more regularly and he has a group of buddies who are right there every weekend with him. Yup... Golf. Saturday and Sunday. He's addicted to the game.
I really don't mind that Hubbs plays golf. Really. Put simply, it makes him happy. And when he's happy, I'm happy. Maybe that comes across as a little old fashioned to some. Maybe I'm a bit of a dinosaur, in this era of the (alleged) "war on women". But, I certainly don't feel that way. (Frankly, I don't see where a war exists, but that's for another day and anotherrant post.) Basically, we've been happily doing this marriage thing for almost 30 years and plan to continue doing it til death do us part, so I'm pretty sure that we're doing something right.
I do have one rule.... The weekends are 50% mine. On Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings, I get his undivided attention. Simple, right? Not much to ask? He doesn't think so. Ya see, over the last decade or so (since I've been sick) I've learned that I have to lay low during the week, so that I'll have the energy and the physical wherewithal to spend time hanging out with him on the weekend. My illness tends to cause periods of extreme fatigue and more often than not, even small increases in physical activity can result in days or possibly weeks of elevated pain. Luckily, he totally gets that and we both feel like my "rule" is a fair one.
It doesn't have to be anything earth shattering. It can be as simple as going to the grocery store and/or running other errands that we don't get around to during the week. Or, we might work around the house or in the yard like we did this past weekend. Or, on a cold winter day, we might spend hours in the kitchen making a big pot of "Sunday Gravy".
We'll usually go somewhere for lunch or dinner on Saturdays, and every Sunday morning we go out for breakfast. From time to time, he'll pass on golf for the entire weekend, so that we can take a short trip to visit friends or family a couple of hours away.
Obviously, this little schedule is flexible. Even though he loves the game of golf like it's his calling, I can ask him to take the weekend off for absolutely no reason in particular and it's a done deal. Likewise, there are weekends where he might have a tournament that spans two or three days and he's on the course the entire weekend. Like life in general, nothing is truly set in stone.
Last weekend, we decided to hop in the car and head over to North Granville NY (about a 30 minute drive and just shy of the Vermont border) to a place that we've both loved since we were kids... Rathbun's Maple Sugar House. Rathbun's has been a working sugar house for over four decades and is owned and operated by three generations of the Rathbun family.
Of course, Rathbun's claim to fame is their pure maple syrup and a myriad of other maple products, but they also have a quaint, rustic little restaurant, where you can slather that maple-y goodness all over a big plate of made from scratch pancakes, eggs, french toast, Belgian waffles, old fashioned oatmeal and country sausage gravy with fresh biscuits. They also serve some of the most incredibly delicious sausage and crispy bacon that I've ever tasted.
They have a sweet gift shop out back where you can buy their syrups, candies and other maple products, plus a great selection of gifts, including enamelware, dried flower and herb wreaths and pottery. Of course, I always come home with a little something for my pantry or to add to my ever growing collection of dishes, serving pieces and accessories. (See what I just had to have at the end of this post)
We always enjoy wandering around the property after breakfast, taking photos of the old farming and sugaring equipment that's been left there for Mother Nature to do with what she will...
Or just soaking up some warm Spring sunshine or later in the year, marveling at the bright reds, yellows and oranges of the trees and breathing in that crisp New England Fall air.
In the very early Spring, during "sugaring time" you can watch them boil the sap down to make the syrup and weather permitting, you might even be able to take a sleigh ride around the property or have a little taste of their pure maple syrup on scoops of fresh snow... kind of like a maple snow cone.
In the Fall, they serve warm apple cider and sell pumpkins and other autumnal goodies to decorate your home and yard. Whether you make the trip to enjoy a delicious breakfast or just to browse around the grounds and gift shop, Rathbun's is a unique and thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a Saturday or Sunday morning. About 20 years ago, my inlaws went for breakfast on a Saturday morning and came home with a new puppy! Now, I'm not saying that's one of their regular offerings, but it just goes to show... you never know what you might find on a trip to the country on a weekend morning.
Here's a peek at the goodies that I couldn'tlive leave without on this visit...
** I have not been asked to review/write or been compensated for this post in any way. All opinions, photos and details are my own, or those of my family and friends.
As many of you probably know, I'm a weekend golf widow. In the Winter months, it's "indoor golf" and then when Spring and Summer roll around, it's any/every golf course within 100 miles of our home. There are a couple of courses where he plays more regularly and he has a group of buddies who are right there every weekend with him. Yup... Golf. Saturday and Sunday. He's addicted to the game.
I really don't mind that Hubbs plays golf. Really. Put simply, it makes him happy. And when he's happy, I'm happy. Maybe that comes across as a little old fashioned to some. Maybe I'm a bit of a dinosaur, in this era of the (alleged) "war on women". But, I certainly don't feel that way. (Frankly, I don't see where a war exists, but that's for another day and another
I do have one rule.... The weekends are 50% mine. On Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings, I get his undivided attention. Simple, right? Not much to ask? He doesn't think so. Ya see, over the last decade or so (since I've been sick) I've learned that I have to lay low during the week, so that I'll have the energy and the physical wherewithal to spend time hanging out with him on the weekend. My illness tends to cause periods of extreme fatigue and more often than not, even small increases in physical activity can result in days or possibly weeks of elevated pain. Luckily, he totally gets that and we both feel like my "rule" is a fair one.
It doesn't have to be anything earth shattering. It can be as simple as going to the grocery store and/or running other errands that we don't get around to during the week. Or, we might work around the house or in the yard like we did this past weekend. Or, on a cold winter day, we might spend hours in the kitchen making a big pot of "Sunday Gravy".
We'll usually go somewhere for lunch or dinner on Saturdays, and every Sunday morning we go out for breakfast. From time to time, he'll pass on golf for the entire weekend, so that we can take a short trip to visit friends or family a couple of hours away.
Obviously, this little schedule is flexible. Even though he loves the game of golf like it's his calling, I can ask him to take the weekend off for absolutely no reason in particular and it's a done deal. Likewise, there are weekends where he might have a tournament that spans two or three days and he's on the course the entire weekend. Like life in general, nothing is truly set in stone.
Last weekend, we decided to hop in the car and head over to North Granville NY (about a 30 minute drive and just shy of the Vermont border) to a place that we've both loved since we were kids... Rathbun's Maple Sugar House. Rathbun's has been a working sugar house for over four decades and is owned and operated by three generations of the Rathbun family.
Of course, Rathbun's claim to fame is their pure maple syrup and a myriad of other maple products, but they also have a quaint, rustic little restaurant, where you can slather that maple-y goodness all over a big plate of made from scratch pancakes, eggs, french toast, Belgian waffles, old fashioned oatmeal and country sausage gravy with fresh biscuits. They also serve some of the most incredibly delicious sausage and crispy bacon that I've ever tasted.
They have a sweet gift shop out back where you can buy their syrups, candies and other maple products, plus a great selection of gifts, including enamelware, dried flower and herb wreaths and pottery. Of course, I always come home with a little something for my pantry or to add to my ever growing collection of dishes, serving pieces and accessories. (See what I just had to have at the end of this post)
We always enjoy wandering around the property after breakfast, taking photos of the old farming and sugaring equipment that's been left there for Mother Nature to do with what she will...
Or just soaking up some warm Spring sunshine or later in the year, marveling at the bright reds, yellows and oranges of the trees and breathing in that crisp New England Fall air.
In the very early Spring, during "sugaring time" you can watch them boil the sap down to make the syrup and weather permitting, you might even be able to take a sleigh ride around the property or have a little taste of their pure maple syrup on scoops of fresh snow... kind of like a maple snow cone.
In the Fall, they serve warm apple cider and sell pumpkins and other autumnal goodies to decorate your home and yard. Whether you make the trip to enjoy a delicious breakfast or just to browse around the grounds and gift shop, Rathbun's is a unique and thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a Saturday or Sunday morning. About 20 years ago, my inlaws went for breakfast on a Saturday morning and came home with a new puppy! Now, I'm not saying that's one of their regular offerings, but it just goes to show... you never know what you might find on a trip to the country on a weekend morning.
Here's a peek at the goodies that I couldn't
** I have not been asked to review/write or been compensated for this post in any way. All opinions, photos and details are my own, or those of my family and friends.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
You Can Never Go Back... Or Can You? STMUSS
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(This was the yearbook from about 20 years before I graduated, but it looks pretty similar) |
A long time ago, in a time and place that seems light years away from me now, I was a high school senior. At the beginning of that school year, we were asked to make an important decision before we graduated. A decision that could have a profound impact on our futures. It was something that we fretted about; something that kept our young, brilliant minds awake at night.
Yup, you guessed it... (insert blaring trumpets ~ da da-da daaaa!) The year book quote. (gasp!)
It should come as no surprise to those who know me relatively well, that my senior yearbook quote comes from a song. I know... Big surprise, right?
Can you guess which line or lines from this song I chose as my quote? I'm not gonna spill it just yet, but I'll update this post on Monday with the answer.
Man... I hadn't heard that song in a very long time, but hearing it now that I'm just a little, ahem... older, had me a bit puzzled. On the one hand I was saying to myself, "what the hell was I thinking"? Then, on the other hand, when I consider the fact that I was 17 years old when I chose the quote, I pretty much get where I was coming from at the time.
There was a definite theme to the the Top 40 lineup of the day and I suppose it wasn't really much different than it is with today's music. There were a lot of songs about lost or unrequited love.... A running theme of the proverbial "woulda, coulda, shoulda" or "if only" platitudes, that seem to be the infinite mantra of teenage angst. Nope... Not really much different than it is today.
I found loads of oldies but goodies, while perusing Youtube for a decent version of Time Passes On. I really spent way too much time futzing around, playing one song after another, but I consider it time well spent. They say that you can't go back again, but I'm not sure that's entirely true. Because for an hour or two, it sure felt a lot like 1979 to me...
I still absolutely love this song....
Apparently, so does Dave...
Come on, you knew I just had to do "then and nows", right? ;~) Here's another one...
The "old timers" never really get old, they just get better. (and maybe sometimes a bit more, um... "eccentric"?)
And... One more. (we can't forget the ladies, now can we?)
Ann and Nancy Wilson will never stop rockin'. They'll still sound like this in another 30 years...
Unfortunately, embedding was disabled for this video, but I beg you... Please click on the link to watch it. Die hard Heart fan or not, you won't regret it. I promise.
Of course I'm linking up with my good buddies Ginger and Becca for Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday. (Come on... What have I gotta do to get you guys to join us? Geeze! Ya really don't know what you're missing....)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Don't Ya Just Love That New Car Smell? ~ STMUSS
Good Morning!
OK, folks... I'm in a much better mood than I was for last week's Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday! Why is that, Mary? (you might ask)
Here's a little hint...
Well, peeps... It's because we finally have our new car! Yep. A brandy new, Toyota RAV4 Limited V6 AWD, with all of the bells and whistles!! She has...
Leather... um, make that heated leather seats.
Power everything.
Keyless start Yup-per... Look Ma, no key!
Keyless entry
XM Satellite Radio
6 CD Changer
Tinted rear view mirror with integrated back-up camera
Hands free, bluetooth enabled phone, through the JBL stereo system
An I-Pod auxillary port
Several USB ports and
There's even a 120V plug adapter in the center console!!!
And a whole lot of other things that we haven't discovered or I've forgotten in all of the craziness.
Oh.... and she's a lovely metallic country (or maybe it's cornflower?) blue.
Wanna see her?? OK... Here she is!!
So, folks... There you have it! I'm so happy to finally be getting rid of that horribly uncomfortable rental car. It was getting just a tiny bit annoying to have to have hubby help me get out of the passenger seat every. single. time. we went somewhere. (you'd be surprised how important one of those little "grab handle" thingys above the door can be for someone with physical limitations)
Anywhooo.... Of course, I'm linking up with my good buddies Ginger and Becca for Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday! Why don't you come and join us?? We really do have a lot of fun checking out each other's videos every week. I mean, who doesn't love a great mix of music and a little story behind why the music was chosen on a Saturday morning?? (or afternoon, or evening, or whenever you have the chance to stop by and visit everyone)

So... Since I rarely EVER post just one video for STMUSS, here are a couple more car related videos for your listening pleasure!
This song was a huge hit for Neil Young. It's been covered by many well known artists and played at funerals and memorial services by probably thousands of people, as a tribute to their lost loved ones. But what most people don't/didn't realize, is that the song is actually about a car. Yup... not just any old car either. It's about a 1954 Cadillac hearse that Neil and his band (Buffalo Springfield) used as a kind of "band bus" to get them from show to show. It broke down on the way to a show they were heading to, somewhere near Sudbury, Ontario in 1965 and he wrote this song as a way of saying thank you to the car for all of the times that it got the band where they needed to go. I know... makes it seem silly that so many people have used this song as a way of memorializing someone they loved, but we are talking about the great Neil Young here. Who else could make a song about a car, mean so much to so many?
OK, folks... I'm in a much better mood than I was for last week's Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday! Why is that, Mary? (you might ask)
Here's a little hint...
Well, peeps... It's because we finally have our new car! Yep. A brandy new, Toyota RAV4 Limited V6 AWD, with all of the bells and whistles!! She has...
Leather... um, make that heated leather seats.
Power everything.
Keyless start Yup-per... Look Ma, no key!
Keyless entry
XM Satellite Radio
6 CD Changer
Tinted rear view mirror with integrated back-up camera
Hands free, bluetooth enabled phone, through the JBL stereo system
An I-Pod auxillary port
Several USB ports and
There's even a 120V plug adapter in the center console!!!
And a whole lot of other things that we haven't discovered or I've forgotten in all of the craziness.
Oh.... and she's a lovely metallic country (or maybe it's cornflower?) blue.
Wanna see her?? OK... Here she is!!
She's sooo shiny! |
Of course, any car that we bought just HAD to have room for Hubby's precious golf clubs and his fancy, schmancy new bag and push cart. That will be properly tested out this morning, of course. |
Don't ya just love those shiny alloy wheels? (truth be told, that wasn't exactly a top selling point for me, but hubbs seemed to need them. whatevs...) |
Ooops! I guess my cane wanted it's picture taken too. |
The command center. So much to explore... |
So, folks... There you have it! I'm so happy to finally be getting rid of that horribly uncomfortable rental car. It was getting just a tiny bit annoying to have to have hubby help me get out of the passenger seat every. single. time. we went somewhere. (you'd be surprised how important one of those little "grab handle" thingys above the door can be for someone with physical limitations)
Anywhooo.... Of course, I'm linking up with my good buddies Ginger and Becca for Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday! Why don't you come and join us?? We really do have a lot of fun checking out each other's videos every week. I mean, who doesn't love a great mix of music and a little story behind why the music was chosen on a Saturday morning?? (or afternoon, or evening, or whenever you have the chance to stop by and visit everyone)
So... Since I rarely EVER post just one video for STMUSS, here are a couple more car related videos for your listening pleasure!
This song was a huge hit for Neil Young. It's been covered by many well known artists and played at funerals and memorial services by probably thousands of people, as a tribute to their lost loved ones. But what most people don't/didn't realize, is that the song is actually about a car. Yup... not just any old car either. It's about a 1954 Cadillac hearse that Neil and his band (Buffalo Springfield) used as a kind of "band bus" to get them from show to show. It broke down on the way to a show they were heading to, somewhere near Sudbury, Ontario in 1965 and he wrote this song as a way of saying thank you to the car for all of the times that it got the band where they needed to go. I know... makes it seem silly that so many people have used this song as a way of memorializing someone they loved, but we are talking about the great Neil Young here. Who else could make a song about a car, mean so much to so many?
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Crazy Times ~ STMUSS
Phew! I'm finally linking up again with my good friends Ginger and Rebecca for another Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday! (they probably think I've abandoned them)
It's a little insane around here at the moment. I'll try to just put this as simply and concisely as possible, 'K?
Easter - wonderful
Daughter and her family were here for 4 days - incredibly wonderful
Dear friend passes away unexpectedly - absolutely devastated
I get some kind of GI bug/flu - sick as a dog
Hubby is in an accident - scares me half to death
One and only car is totalled - cars can be replaced
He's fine (Thank God) - hubby can NOT be replaced
Hubby goes out of town for work - I hate being alone in this big old house
Hubby comes home - Happy Mary
Accountant calls - taxes are finally done - safe?? OR broke??
We get a refund this year! - Yes! unusual, but very nice
Start car shopping- hubby is right brained and very frugal, I am spoiled
Insurance decides NOT to total 10 year old totalled car - WHAT? - panic
Hubby, smart, savvy claims adjuster makes calls - relief
Back to car shopping - research and test drive a gazillion cars
Last night - finally decide on one of those gazillion cars
Today - going to the dealership to buy the car! - I win - Yipeeee! (photo later)
Maybe the rollercoaster has finally come to a stop?? - Fingers crossed...
I thought these songs were appropriate for what's going on in my life right now. No special order...
And last, but certainly not least.... a little something for a dear friend, brave Marine and Vietnam vet, who we will miss more than words can say. RIP Richard. Semper Fi.
It's a little insane around here at the moment. I'll try to just put this as simply and concisely as possible, 'K?
Easter - wonderful
Daughter and her family were here for 4 days - incredibly wonderful
Dear friend passes away unexpectedly - absolutely devastated
I get some kind of GI bug/flu - sick as a dog
Hubby is in an accident - scares me half to death
One and only car is totalled - cars can be replaced
He's fine (Thank God) - hubby can NOT be replaced
Hubby goes out of town for work - I hate being alone in this big old house
Hubby comes home - Happy Mary
Accountant calls - taxes are finally done - safe?? OR broke??
We get a refund this year! - Yes! unusual, but very nice
Start car shopping- hubby is right brained and very frugal, I am spoiled
Insurance decides NOT to total 10 year old totalled car - WHAT? - panic
Hubby, smart, savvy claims adjuster makes calls - relief
Back to car shopping - research and test drive a gazillion cars
Last night - finally decide on one of those gazillion cars
Today - going to the dealership to buy the car! - I win - Yipeeee! (photo later)
Maybe the rollercoaster has finally come to a stop?? - Fingers crossed...
I thought these songs were appropriate for what's going on in my life right now. No special order...
And last, but certainly not least.... a little something for a dear friend, brave Marine and Vietnam vet, who we will miss more than words can say. RIP Richard. Semper Fi.
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Just click right HERE to link up and join in on the fun! |
Monday, April 16, 2012
Under The Weather
Sorry that I've been MIA...
Started out with a busy Easter week and weekend and then on Tuesday, I got hit with a nasty GI/stomach bug. Believe me... I wasn't feeling much like turning the laptop on, let alone making any blog posts. Unfortunately, when you live with an autoimmune disease or chronic illness, a "24 hour bug" can easily (and usually does) turn into something more like being on the losing side of a week-long WWF smackdown.
That being said, I am feeling much better and should slowly be getting back into the swing of things over the next couple of days.
Looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Dogs Rule, Cats Drool?
Because our daughter has no "human" children yet, the two grand-dogs always come to visit when she does. Now, Dad and I love to see them....
Our three furry kids do not.
After four days of barking, drooling and jumping around like monkeys at the zoo, when my grand"kids" finally go back home....
This is what my (much releived) "kids" do:
For days and days and days.....
Our three furry kids do not.
After four days of barking, drooling and jumping around like monkeys at the zoo, when my grand"kids" finally go back home....
Tonka (aka Donkey) |
Miss Lily (her bite IS as bad as her bark!) |
This is what my (much releived) "kids" do:
Monkey |
Miss Pretty Girl |
Simba |
For days and days and days.....
Saturday, March 24, 2012
"Who's" Having A Birthday? ~ STMUSS
My honey, that's "who"!
Morning everyone! Today, I'm making my Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday post a special tribute to the man who means the most to me in this world, because this is a special weekend and tomorrow is a very special day. It's his birthday!!
Since The Who is his favorite. band. of. all. time. I figured that I'd give him his own personal "Who-a-palooza" as a little musical gift.
It's almost always a Who CD that first gets popped into the car player, when we're heading out on a road trip. I chose this first song, (The Song Is Over) because I love the way he sings along with it when he's driving.
This next video is of somewhat rare footage of the first night of The Who's two night show at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, on December 6 & 7, 1982. It's rare, in that they only ever intended to show footage filmed on the second night of this leg, but because they wanted to have back-up footage in case something went wrong on the second night, they filmed the first night as well. There are many music insiders and rock fans alike that have long considered this song (Eminence Front) to be one of the greatest rock compositions of all time.
Next, I had to include one of The Who's most popular songs ever... Baba O'Reilly. Funny thing is... not many people actually know that's the name of the song.
Last, but certainly not least, is the Who classic that most makes me think of my hubby when I hear it. This version is a slightly different one, in that it's not the entire band, but legendary lead singer Roger Daltry singing with a group that's near and dear to my heart, The Chieftains.
Happy Birthday, honey!
Here's the link to this really great party. Come on... join us this week, as a birthday present to my hubby. ;~)
Morning everyone! Today, I'm making my Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday post a special tribute to the man who means the most to me in this world, because this is a special weekend and tomorrow is a very special day. It's his birthday!!
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Since The Who is his favorite. band. of. all. time. I figured that I'd give him his own personal "Who-a-palooza" as a little musical gift.
It's almost always a Who CD that first gets popped into the car player, when we're heading out on a road trip. I chose this first song, (The Song Is Over) because I love the way he sings along with it when he's driving.
This next video is of somewhat rare footage of the first night of The Who's two night show at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, on December 6 & 7, 1982. It's rare, in that they only ever intended to show footage filmed on the second night of this leg, but because they wanted to have back-up footage in case something went wrong on the second night, they filmed the first night as well. There are many music insiders and rock fans alike that have long considered this song (Eminence Front) to be one of the greatest rock compositions of all time.
Next, I had to include one of The Who's most popular songs ever... Baba O'Reilly. Funny thing is... not many people actually know that's the name of the song.
Last, but certainly not least, is the Who classic that most makes me think of my hubby when I hear it. This version is a slightly different one, in that it's not the entire band, but legendary lead singer Roger Daltry singing with a group that's near and dear to my heart, The Chieftains.
Happy Birthday, honey!
Here's the link to this really great party. Come on... join us this week, as a birthday present to my hubby. ;~)
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Click HERE or HERE to link up |
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Mainly Maine
I chose #5 from Mama Kat's prompts this week: What was the occasion? Write about the last time you stayed in a hotel. |
September is my "birthday month" and our anniversary is in October, so our annual trip is a kind of shared celebration of both. The family that owns and runs The Beachmere Inn are some of the nicest, kindest, most thoughtful people I know and they are the consummate "innkeepers". Because they found out about our little joint celebration each September, they have a special little treat waiting for us in our room when we check in. Every year.
I was drawn to it when I vacationed there with my family growing up. I rented summer cottages there with friends in the years following high school and through college. We loved and laughed and played there both as a young family and sometimes, just as a couple. The day after we said our last goodbyes to our youngest daughter, my little family needed to be in a place where we could begin to grieve and to heal, so we we packed a bag and headed to Maine.
It is my place of solace and peace. It is my place of renewal and reflection. It is the one place, other than my home here in NY, where my soul feels most at home. The brilliant blue skies, the golden sunrises and the sweet salt air of Maine, co-exist equally and interchangeably along the spectrum of my memories. The joyful, the reflective, the silly and the sorrowful.
Ogunquit is a Native American word that means Beautiful Place By The Sea. They must have read my heart when they named it, because that is indeed, what it is.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Time To Spill It ~ A Rant
I usually refrain from posting about or discussing what might generally be considered controversial subjects or topics on my blogs, but (and there's always a "but" isn't there?) at some point we all have something that gets under our skin enough to induce even a temporary change in policy. Well, I've reached that point.
I'm not posting this little rant in an effort to invite any heated debates, but I'm open to a civilized, lively discussion, if that should happen to occur. What follows is just my opinion and as the saying goes, everyone is entitled to have one. Please just keep it friendly and respectful of each other's feelings.
In the slightly over 50 years that I've been on this earth, I believe that I have gained a reasonable amount of wisdom. I've experienced both incredible joy and profound sorrow. I care about my fellow human beings and the planet that we inhabit and I try to give genuine consideration and respect to the opinions and the feelings of others. I am not always 100% successful in the pursuit of my best self and I am certainly not perfect. I do try to rectify any insult or injury that I have caused and offer my most sincere apologies to anyone I might have offended.
Along those lines, I purposely choose to refrain from discussing political and/or religious views with people outside of my close circle of family and friends and due to the deeply personal and often controversial nature of many social and moral issues, I don't necessarily share my opinions about those topics with anyone other than my husband or my daughter.
That being said... I would like to inform the multitude of so-called "women's organizations", on both sides of the aisle, that I am insulted and frankly, outraged by your assumption that you know how I feel or what I think about political, social or moral issues. In the spirit of clarity and so that there is no question about what I am asking, please allow me state my intention and explain my request as briefly and politely as I can....
Understand this. You do not speak for me. You are mistaken and I would appreciate it if you would stop insulting my intelligence and undermining my individuality, by proclaiming to the world that you do. I have my own opinions about what is right and what is important to me and I will vote in accordance with what I believe.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Ready To Dance A Little Jig? ~ STMUSS
Top O' The Mornin' !! La Fheile Paidrig Shona Daoibh! Tis finally the day! The one day of the year when everyone is Irish. St. Patrick's Day! Lucky for me, it also happens to be Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday!
I goofed a wee bit last Saturday, thinking it was the closest STMUSS to the holiday and I did a Paddy's Day post. But the way I see it, when you're a daft middle-aged menopausal woman like me, those little lapses in memory can and should be forgiven. Besides,this just gives me the chance to post more Irish music and that's perfectly fine in my book.
So, without any further blarney from me, please enjoy a little more music that makes us want to sing. And maybe at least for today, even dance a wee jig!
Happy Feet - Lord Of The Dance from Riverdance
Mary Black - Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Darling)
And here's one for the gents... ;~)
Feet of Flames from Riverdance
Now, what would St. Patrick's Day be, without a little musical tribute to my family name?
The Chieftans - O'Sullivan's March
Come on along and join us for this lovely day!
I goofed a wee bit last Saturday, thinking it was the closest STMUSS to the holiday and I did a Paddy's Day post. But the way I see it, when you're a daft middle-aged menopausal woman like me, those little lapses in memory can and should be forgiven. Besides,this just gives me the chance to post more Irish music and that's perfectly fine in my book.
So, without any further blarney from me, please enjoy a little more music that makes us want to sing. And maybe at least for today, even dance a wee jig!
Happy Feet - Lord Of The Dance from Riverdance
Mary Black - Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Darling)
And here's one for the gents... ;~)
Feet of Flames from Riverdance
Now, what would St. Patrick's Day be, without a little musical tribute to my family name?
The Chieftans - O'Sullivan's March
Come on along and join us for this lovely day!
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Click HERE or HERE to join in! |
Friday, March 16, 2012
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